Now we try to run Wordpress in Docker.
First, we create a small technical task:
- We will use fluentd for logs. First container!
- MySql will be used as a database. Also data will be stored in volume. Second container!
- Wordpress. We will special volume for it’s data. Third container!
- MySql and Wordpress will be used separate network.
Okey! Let’s go!
Run contailner with fluentd:
mkdir /data/logs # create directory with logs
chmod 777 /data/logs # set permissions
docker run -d --name fluentd \ # run the container with name fluentd
-p 24224:24224 \ # port forwarding on host system
--mount type=bind,src=/data/logs,dst=/fluentd/log \ # mount directory in container
fluentd:latest # image's name
Create new network:
docker network create back
Run container with MySql:
docker volume create mysql # create volume for mysql
docker run -d --name mysql \ # run container with name mysql
-e MYSQL_DATABASE=wpdb \ # set env var for db
-e MYSQL_USER=wpuser \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=wppass \
-v mysql:/var/lib/mysql \ # mount volume in container
--net back \ # set network
--log-driver=fluentd \ # set log driver
--log-opt fluentd-address= \ # set fluentd address
mysql:5.7 # image's name
Run container with Wordpress:
docker volume create uploads # create volume for wordpress
docker run -d --name wordpress \ # run container with name wordpress
-e WORDPRESS_DB_HOST=mysql \ # set env var for wordpress
-v uploads:/var/www/html \ # mount volume in container
--net back \ # set network
-p 80:80 \ # port forwarding on host system
--log-driver=fluentd \ # set log driver
--log-opt fluentd-address= \ # set fluentd address
wordpress:latest # image's name'
And that’s all!
If we go to the address localhost:80, we will see the wordpress start panel. I think it’s not comfortable to run multiple linked containers using only Docker. In the next article I’ll show you how the guys form “Docker, Inc.” solved this problem.