Docker. Wordpress.

Andrey Dmitriev · October 31, 2021

Now we try to run Wordpress in Docker.

First, we create a small technical task:

  1. We will use fluentd for logs. First container!
  2. MySql will be used as a database. Also data will be stored in volume. Second container!
  3. Wordpress. We will special volume for it’s data. Third container!
  4. MySql and Wordpress will be used separate network.

Okey! Let’s go!

Run contailner with fluentd:

mkdir /data/logs # create directory with logs
chmod 777 /data/logs # set permissions
docker run -d --name fluentd \ # run the container with name fluentd
           -p 24224:24224 \ # port forwarding on host system
           --mount type=bind,src=/data/logs,dst=/fluentd/log \ # mount directory in container
           fluentd:latest # image's name

Create new network:

docker network create back

Run container with MySql:

docker volume create mysql # create volume for mysql
docker run -d --name mysql \ # run container with name mysql
           -e MYSQL_DATABASE=wpdb \ # set env var for db
           -e MYSQL_USER=wpuser \
           -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=wppass \
           -v mysql:/var/lib/mysql \ # mount volume in container
           --net back \ # set network
           --log-driver=fluentd \ # set log driver
           --log-opt fluentd-address= \ # set fluentd address
           mysql:5.7 # image's name

Run container with Wordpress:

docker volume create uploads # create volume for wordpress
docker run -d --name wordpress \ # run container with name wordpress
           -e WORDPRESS_DB_HOST=mysql \ # set env var for wordpress
           -e WORDPRESS_DB_USER=wpuser \
           -e WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD=wppass \
           -e WORDPRESS_DB_NAME=wpdb \
           -v uploads:/var/www/html \ # mount volume in container
           --net back \ # set network
           -p 80:80 \ # port forwarding on host system
           --log-driver=fluentd \ # set log driver
           --log-opt fluentd-address= \ # set fluentd address
           wordpress:latest # image's name'

And that’s all!

If we go to the address localhost:80, we will see the wordpress start panel. I think it’s not comfortable to run multiple linked containers using only Docker. In the next article I’ll show you how the guys form “Docker, Inc.” solved this problem.

A series of articles about docker:

  1. Docker. Run Container.
  2. Docker. Container and two networks.
  3. Docker. Logging.
  4. Docker. Wordpress.
  5. Docker-compose. Wordpress.
  6. Dockerizing service.

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